Get Rich Quick with Print on Demand...and Other Lies – MemeQueenDesigns
Get Rich Quick with Print on Demand...and Other Lies

Get Rich Quick with Print on Demand...and Other Lies

Get Rich Quick with Print on Demand...and Other Lies

In the age of digital entrepreneurship, the allure of "get rich quick" schemes is ever-present, with Print on Demand (POD) often touted as a golden ticket to easy wealth. The promise is enticing: create a few designs, upload them to various platforms, and watch the passive income roll in as your products fly off virtual shelves. However, the reality is far more complex and nuanced, and the notion of effortlessly amassing a fortune through POD is largely a myth. Like many others before me, I too fell into this trap, thinking I could leverage my own creative skills to ‘do what I love, and never work another day in my life’. It has been more work than you can possibly imagine, and not only do I not make bank…well, not yet anyway, it has cost me a small fortune in trial and error, services and support, Fiverr and SEO Gigs. More on that in another post! Let’s just say, I have not replaced my full-time job income and I would seriously consider starting an Only Fans Page if I were better looking!

The Hype Versus the Reality

The concept of Print on Demand is undeniably appealing. It allows individuals to create custom products like T-shirts, mugs, and posters without the need for upfront inventory or large capital investments. You design, you upload, and the platform handles the printing, shipping, and customer service. In theory, this sounds like a perfect business model—minimal risk, minimal effort, and unlimited earning potential.

However, the reality is much different. The POD market is saturated with millions of designs, making it incredibly difficult to stand out. The majority of sellers quickly realize that simply uploading designs isn't enough. Successful sellers often spend countless hours researching trends, honing their design skills, and mastering marketing strategies. The notion of passive income is misleading; maintaining and growing a POD business requires continuous effort and dedication.

When I first started my print on demand business, I spent countless hours designing great new items, that was the fun part! I had curated over 200 unique creations, listed them and then waited for the money to start rolling in! What a joke! Little did I realize, that was the easy part. I had only scratched the surface of what needed to be done to make my store visible in Google and make any sort of sales. It’s been two years and guess what…I’ve made 8 sales, most of which came in recently, after two years! I know I have great products, but the problem is no one can see them. There are literally hundreds of thousands of Shopify stores on Google just like mine, not to mention more trusted sites like Amazon and Etsy. They are more established, ranked, indexed, and on page one. I had to learn how to optimize my site with SEO and how to market my products.

The Competition

One of the biggest challenges in the POD industry is the sheer volume of competition. Major platforms like Redbubble, Teespring, and Amazon Merch are flooded with designs. To achieve visibility, your designs need to be not only unique and appealing but also optimized for search algorithms. This requires a deep understanding of SEO, keyword research, and market trends—skills that take time to develop.

If you have spent any time on Facebook or TikTok these days, you’ll certainly have seen countless ads promoting customizable tumblers, funny t-shirts and the likes. These are people just like me, just like you…spending money on ads so they can get noticed. Did you ever notice these ads have thousands of Likes and Comments? Well, that didn’t happen just from the one ad. That ad was probably posted and reposted dozens of times, reconfigured, tweaked, and toned at $500 to $1,000 a pop! 

The Marketing Myth

Another pervasive myth is that your designs will sell themselves. In reality, successful POD entrepreneurs often invest significant time and resources into marketing. This includes social media promotion, paid advertising, email marketing, and collaborations with influencers. Without effective marketing, even the best designs can go unnoticed in the crowded marketplace.

Sure, you can start your ad campaigns at $50 like all the gurus tell you, but what they don’t tell you is this strategy is not for the purpose of ‘selling’. It is for the purpose of ‘testing’. Testing to see what product is a hit and what is not. Based on the public feedback, you’ll then want to increase your budget for successful products to $500 – $1,000 to actually generate traffic to your site and start making sales. The golden rule is 1%. That means if your ad reaches 10,000 people, only 1% will actually visit your site, and of that 1%, only 1% will click through and buy something. So, if 100 people visit your site, only 1 person will buy something. This is where you need to do the math and why testing is important. If your margins are only $5 on a mug or a t-shirt, and you spend $1000 on an ad, well.. that doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Quality Over Quantity

Many new POD sellers fall into the trap of focusing on quantity over quality, churning out dozens of designs in the hopes that something will stick. However, this scattergun approach is rarely effective. Customers are looking for high-quality, well-thought-out products that resonate with their interests and values. It's better to have a few exceptional designs than a plethora of mediocre ones. 

One of the get rich quick tips that the gurus try to sell you, is that you can just look up other people’s designs, tweak them a bit, and then sell them as your own. While this can work if you ‘improve’ the design…make it funnier, fancier, more relevant, better pics etc., it can backfire if you make the design worse, or don’t change it enough and get sued by the owner for copyright infringement.

The Financial Realities

While the upfront costs in POD are low, there are still financial considerations that are often overlooked. Each sale involves a profit split with the platform, and profit margins can be slim. Additionally, investing in marketing, software tools, and design resources can quickly add up. It's essential to have realistic financial expectations and understand that it may take time to achieve significant profits.

The cost of learning while you go is significant, after all, you don’t know what you don’t know. Before you even begin your POD adventure, take some time and spend your money on learning first. While you may be excited to get started, pull the reigns back a bit and do the homework. Sites like Coursera and Linda offer so many $10-$20-dollar courses and mini modules teaching about Print on Demand and SEO. This is the best investment you’ll make in your business. Invest in yourself first!

The Path to Success

Despite the challenges, it is possible to build a successful POD business. The key lies in approaching it as a legitimate business venture rather than a quick money-making scheme. This means conducting thorough market research, investing in high-quality designs, and continually learning and adapting your strategies. Success in POD, as in any business, requires persistence, creativity, and a willingness to put in the hard work.

It’s not going to happen overnight. In fact, most successful Shopify stores take upwards of a year to two years before they really get going, unless of course, you do have an extra 20 grand in your bank account to hire an SEO and Marketing company to get you up and running quickly, and then maintain that pace with continued SEO and marketing at no less than $1,000 per month. These services aren’t cheap. But if you’re doing it yourself, there’s only so many hours in a day and only so many things you can do in that time so it will take longer.


The idea of getting rich quick with Print on Demand is largely a fantasy. While POD offers a fantastic opportunity for creative entrepreneurs to build a business with relatively low risk, it is not a shortcut to instant wealth. Understanding the realities of the industry, setting realistic expectations, and committing to continuous effort and improvement are essential for long-term success. So, if you're drawn to the world of Print on Demand, embrace it with open eyes and a readiness to work hard. The rewards are there for those willing to earn them, but the journey is far from effortless.

I’m still hard at work, churning out designs for other people to steal and ‘redesign’, but I have built something I can be proud of. I’ll keep working on it, I’ll keep blogging, and if it doesn’t work out and I decide to throw in the towel,  I can always design a course... wink wink. Those who can, do... and those who can’t,  teach! Sorry not sorry #Facts #Funnycuzitstrue


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